Jesse Rogerson

RASC Ottawa member
at Ingenium

Jesse Rogerson joined the Division of Natural Sciences in the Department of Science & Technology Studies as an assistant professor in 2020. Jesse received his PhD from York University in observational astrophysics in 2016 where he studied quasars using large optical telescopes from the world, monitoring how quasars vary through time, and how those variations can be used to understand their structure. Jesse’s avid interest in science communication, how science and society are connected and inform each other, and how space impacts our everyday lives informs his plans to include these themes in his teachings, and to develop more ways for non-science students to interact personally with the scientific process.

Previously, Jesse worked in three of Canada’s preeminent science museums engaging varied audiences from Canada and internationally on the topics of astronomy, planetary science and other space sciences. He also participated in multiple citizen science projects with the goal of incorporating the average non-scientist into the scientific process. He has presented to RASC Ottawa Centre meeting at least half a dozen times.

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